Language Most Foul

Author: Ruth Wajnryb

Stock information

General Fields

  • : $7.95 AUD
  • : 9781741143966
  • : Allen & Unwin
  • : Allen & Unwin
  • : 31 October 2021
  • : 2.7 Centimeters X 13 Centimeters X 19.5 Centimeters
  • :
  • :
  • : books

Special Fields

  • : Ruth Wajnryb
  • :
  • : Hardback
  • : 1
  • :
  • : English
  • : 240
  • :
  • :
  • :
  • :
Barcode 9781741143966


A meticulously researched, highly entertaining, idiosyncratic look at the how, why and what of bad language around the world. Have we always sworn like troopers? Does creative cursing stem from not being able to thump someone when they make us mad? And if verbal aggression is universal, what about languages like Japanese that supposedly have no offensive words? Language once reserved for the footy field (or the labour ward) has broken through the tradesman's entrance, much to the horror of a few refined individuals, but not apparently of anyone much else. Hell, fuck is everywhere, from our school yards to our boardrooms, from talkback radio to the silver screen. Just how did we become such a bunch of potty mouths, and what does our filthy language say about us? Join Ruth Wajnryb as she wades into such murky waters as: Is there a pecking order for swear words? And if so how many 'fucks' equal a _ _ _ t? (come on, even we're not going to put that word on the back of a book).Who are the fashionistas of foul language, and who are the gatekeepers?Why is that when boys say it, it's funny, and when girls do, it's crude?Blasphemy, cursing, cussin' and good old-fashioned swearing: is there really a difference?Is this as down and dirty as we get, or is there something new and worse lurking just around the corner? In her quest for answers, Ruth is perfectly happy to don her wellies and head for foreign shores. For instance, why is it that in some languages you can get away with intimating that someone and their camel are more than 'just good friends', while pouring scorn on their mother's morals guarantees you a seat on the next flight out? An entertaining and idiosyncratic look at the power of words to shock, offend, insult, amuse, exaggerate, let off steam, establish relationships and communicate deep-felt emotions, Language Most Foul is a must-read for anyone who loves language - or has ever stubbed their toe.